Tuesday, February 17, 2009

alone M.a.g.g.o.t.s is soon

"sesuatu... yang tak disangka, seringkali.... mendatangi kita"

'Kun Fa Yakun' - Jadi maka jadilah. that's the fact that every single living thing on earth have to believe regardless your race, religion, belief, culture or background. trust that everything was meant to happened and it will happen but we, average human have not being granted the knowledge / power to learn when will it be. some of us may, but most of us not. fortune teller is some of them, but most of them is just a fuckin' liar. generating income from scam, telling lies through tarrot cards & glass ball, pretending that they knew what will happen. trust no fortune teller or shaman. liar is who they are.

back to the subject. things happened and will happen. no matter how hard you try to avoid it, when it is fated, it's fated. as for me, things that i've thought about for the last few months will happen, at last. there will be one day when someone who is close to me will left. someone who i dubbed as my blood-brother. someone whom i called 'bro' and will address him as 'lu' when we chat. true enough that we lived our life under the same roof for the past few years. in fact, we started our brotherhood the same. eat, sleep, chat, laugh, cry, swore and every single fuckin' thing together. i ain't no hypocrite. i am sad, i hate good bye, but still, i believe this will not be goodbye. we've been through this before. days come and go, memory will still remain, friendship last forever. everyone have their own life to live. you can't stop others hopes & dreams just because some sentimental issue.

i hate goodbye.....

go on with life and let the by gone be by gone.

life is painful but dead is even worst.

life is short, afterlife is forever.

live life to the fullest but forget not the fullest life that we will ever have in the other end.

be grateful with your life cos you'll be sorry after.

this isn't goodbye.....

i will remain to be 'the nameless' who wrote craps. even though i always lost, but somehow i will find way. i need to be in 'my own' state of mind to write. i need concentration and feeds from my surrounding. now my writing is limited, i can only write from my office which means i am doing 2 job at one time (also misuse the internet facility provided...... who cares?!). i always halted when i'm writing. it's like something stucked in between. it's end up with contrary between my writing and my idea. crap!

i hate goodbye!