Wednesday, February 11, 2009

tired M.a.g.g.o.t.s

it's fuckin' tiresome! i've been through like this for the past few days & hell yeah! i'm feelin' fuckin' tired! fuck my job! fuck my work! fuck the task! fuck all! i really wish that one day i will not be doing the same thing like this, never ever. i am physically, mentally & entirely battered, tortured and fuckin' used! i realized that this is my life that i live, put aside fun, minus the leisure & you got one hell of fuckin' life, full of abused, temper, workload and load of shit! damn! at every single end of my day, all i wanted is quiet surrounding and listen to the sound of SlipKnoT!

i hate this shit!

what's the point of working? for money that will finish before you knew it? for the sake of killing time? for own fuckin' living? for other people's shit? where does it head to? filthy satisfaction? live to work or work to live? work sucks! it's the whole same process where you knew that there wil be more to come when you're done with the first one. repeat the same shit all over again, in one fuckin' single day. that's work for you.

i hate this shit!